A Strong Showing for Swiss Wines in Germany

Wednesday 22 Mar 2023 Press release

From 19 to 21 March 2023, Swiss Wine Promotion (SWP) presented a wide selection of Swiss wines at the ProWein international wine and spirits trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany. Swiss wines were one of the highlights over the three days, thanks to the presence of fifteen vineyards, a new free tasting area with more than thirty vintages and seven masterclasses. At the same time, ProWein Goes City hosted the Swiss wines on the occasion of a theme evening on wine tourism in collaboration with Switzerland Tourism. In addition, in partnership with Mövenpick, a tasting of Swiss wines at the public was organised in a boutique in the city center.

The ProWein international wine and spirits trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, returned once again from 19 to 21 March 2023. For the occasion, SWP welcomed visitors to a stand featuring a new free tasting area, a friendly layout encourages visitors and winegrowers to meet, exchange views and taste the Swiss wines. Fifteen winemakers attended the trade fair:

  • Albert Mathier & Söhne

  • Castello di Cantone

  • Caves du Château d’Auvernier

  • Cottinelli Weinbau Malans

  • Domaine Jean-René Germanier

  • Famille Rouvinez

  • Grillette Domaine de Cressier

  • La Cave de la Côte

  • Rötiberg - Kellerei

  • St. Jodern Kellerei

  • Tamborini Carlo

  • Vini & Distillati Angelo Delea

  • Vinigma

  • Weingut Lindenhof

  • Wine by Jet

Three additional wineries (Caves du Paradis, Schenk Suisse – Cave St-Pierre, Weingut Wegelin) joined those present in the free tasting area, meaning a selection of more than thirty vintages was on offer.

In addition, seven masterclasses were held on the following themes: Swiss wines, Chasselas, non-filtered, and wines from Ticino. These workshops were led by Yvonne Heistermann, sommelier and ambassador for Chasselas, Jonas Ettlin and Claudio Tamborini. All the workshops were held either the SWP stand itself or the stand of our partner Meininger Verlag. They were all very warmly received with more than 150 participants attending.

At the same time, a ProWein Goes City promotion, a type of event aimed at enthusiasts and connoisseurs, was held from 16 to 21 in the city centre of Düsseldorf. On Thursday 16 March, at the Hotel Kö 59 and in partnership with Switzerland Tourism, SWP took participants on a wine tour of Switzerland.

Finally, for the first time and in collaboration with Mövenpick Wines, SWP organised a tasting for the public at their eponymous boutique in Herzogstrasse, in the city centre. More than XXX people took part in the tasting.

Switzerland. Naturally.